Thursday 31 January 2013

Happy Tax Deadline Day!

Here are some depictions of taxes through the years. I guess things don't change that much.

Gillray's satirical print 'The Friend of the People' published in May 1806. Make sure to take a good look there is lots to see, the smart new tax cart in the background, the bulging pockets of the tax collector, the emaciated hissing cat at the window.

 Pieter Brueghel the younger's 'Paying the Tax' from 1620-40 I'm sure many of us can relate to the chaos.

Masaccio's fresco in the Brancacci Chapel in Florence painted circa 1427 showing Jesus and his disciples being asked to pay the tax to enter the city. The tax collector wears the short orange tunic and Peter can be seen on the left receiving the money for the tax from the mouth of a fish.

Wish that's were everyone's tax money could come from eh!

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