I'm not sure it gets chillier than this image of the ex fashion designer current artist working in the unforgiving Norwegian landscape.
Ian Garlant Radient Space 2011
His work is born out of this landscape both literally and symbolically. He uses materials that are particularly significant and relevant to the place, such as boat building materials. Arranges these materials then covers them with bitumen and sets fire to them, something you really can't imagine happening in a studio in central London. There is something about the raw beauty of the works that can't help but evoke the Nordic wilderness.Not to mention their fascinating relationship with ancient runes which I was given an insight into by a tour with Love Art London http://www.loveartlondon.com/!
His work was recently shown at an exhibition at the Andipa Gallery on Walton Street. The pieces were incredible to see firsthand as it allowed you to fully appreciate their incredible textures and the way in which they reflect this inhospitable landscape.
Definitely one to watch!
For more information on Andipa Gallery and this intriguing artist go to: http://andipa.com/index.php
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